Friday, August 17, 2012

July 1, 2011: Sirius Eclipse, New Moon

by Rodrigo_Soldon
July 1, 2011: Sirius Eclipse, New Moon
Article by Paddi Moore

July 1, 2011: Sirius Eclipse, New Moon - Spirituality - Metaphysical

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JULY 1, 2011: SIRIUS ECLIPSE, NEW MOON Rudra = ShivaEclipse in Nakshatra Ardra, located in Orion's Belt. The Moon is between the sun and the earth in a solar eclipse. The Sun and the Moon will be 15 degrees along the Gemini constellation of Orion. Ardra is the nakshatra that rules that part of the sky between 6.40-20.00 degrees of Gemini. Ardra is home to the famous stars Betelgeuse and Sirius. The myth associated with Ardra is that the demon Taraka practiced extreme discipline in order to gain the gift of undefeatable power and receive. Isvatna shakti : the power to make gains through great effort. Once achieved, Taraka began to abuse the power. Ardra is a reflection of lack of gratitude and abuse of power. Ardra is connected to hunters, and is the lord of wild animals. It can be violent. Sirius In Vedic Myth: The oldest book of the Vedas that we have is the Rig-Veda; it is the oldest known document in any indo European language. Vedic wisdom was an oral tradition, and writings always speak of a time much older than the written piece.One of the first major Gods of creation is Prajapati, is also the constellation Orion. Prajapati has a relationship with the dawn.As we see in these deep myths there is like all time on the earth plane, all sorts of sorted and dysfunctional relationships. In this case, the dawn is also his daughter, thus is incestuous. The story goes that Dawn took the form of a doe, and Prajapati took the form of a stag, which he used to seduce her.The other Gods did judge in disapproval. They enlisted the God of storms and thunder, Lord Rudra, to shoot an arrow thru the stag. Sirius, one of the brightest stars in the sky, is believed to be one of Orions hunting dogs that shot the arrow.The preceding nakshatra, Rohini, is the star Aldeberan, and represents the female deer in the hunt. The three stars in a row, which is how we find the constellation, is the arrow that pierced Prajapati. We know these 3 stars as Orion

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

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