Monday, April 22, 2013

Is there different variations of a total eclipse?

Question by Chris: Is there different variations of a total eclipse?
In other words, is the position of the moon during a total eclipse exactly on the same spot everytime? I have heard of an annular eclipse in which the moon appears smaller leaving a thick ring around the moon's shadow. I was thinking maybe there was variations in between the two that are visible to, maybe, a high precision instrument since every total eclipse to the naked eye is exactly the same.
Sorry i meant variation in position as in distance.

Best answer:
Answer by Foxyes and no it is in the same spot for viewing on how it would appear and in diffrent parts of the earthand its only once a year that theres a total solar eclipse but never the exact same spot in space

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

which takes place during the day, lunar or solar eclipse?

Question by Sarah [RWT!]: which takes place during the day, lunar or solar eclipse?
and if you know this too, it would help.

-is it a lunar or solar eclipse where the moon is blocked out?

Best answer:
Answer by SolipsiaSolar eclipse is when the sun is blocked by the moon and this is during the day.

A Lunar eclipse is when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon and you see the earth's shadow on the moon (which would otherwise be full). This is as night.

Give your answer to this question below!

Animations courtesy and Song Using tune of magic b.o.b I got the phases of moon Every time I touch that moon it tu...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: Does a lunar or solar eclipse cause any physiological effects on people?

Question by (:P): Does a lunar or solar eclipse cause any physiological effects on people?

Okay, what about animals?

Best answer:
Answer by I'm So Unloved!A Solar Eclipse makes everything on earth alot lighter than what it originally is.

Add your own answer in the comments!

really helpfull and also funy.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information