Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Is there different variations of a total eclipse?

Question by Chris: Is there different variations of a total eclipse?
In other words, is the position of the moon during a total eclipse exactly on the same spot everytime? I have heard of an annular eclipse in which the moon appears smaller leaving a thick ring around the moon's shadow. I was thinking maybe there was variations in between the two that are visible to, maybe, a high precision instrument since every total eclipse to the naked eye is exactly the same.
Sorry i meant variation in position as in distance.

Best answer:
Answer by Foxyes and no it is in the same spot for viewing on how it would appear and in diffrent parts of the earthand its only once a year that theres a total solar eclipse but never the exact same spot in space

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Which regions, if any, of the United States will be able to see the Total Solar Eclipse tonight?

Question by cute_blondie_angel: Which regions, if any, of the United States will be able to see the Total Solar Eclipse tonight?
There is going to be a Total Solar Eclipse tonight, March 29th, from Brazil to Mongolia. Will anyone in the United States be able to see it? And if so, what time should I look?

Best answer:
Answer by randyrandolahttp://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/SEmono/TSE2006/TSE2006.html

Not in the US

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: For the solar eclipse tonight what time is it going to start in New Jersey?

Question by Jersey: For the solar eclipse tonight what time is it going to start in New Jersey?
I really want to see the solar eclipse tonight? I really want to see it. I live in new jersey. what time will it start

Best answer:
Answer by William WIt won't be visable from New Jersey, sorry.

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

How do I get a "sun flare"effect on a point and shoot digital camera....?

Question by Nelle: How do I get a "sun flare"effect on a point and shoot digital camera....?
...ie:setting sun through a tree.
Camera does have TV, M, AV and other special settings that I have used

Best answer:
Answer by SharleneFlare is a light source bouncing in the elements inside a lens. I doubt P&S's have many if any lens elements inside so I am not sure it would be possible. If you can on this particular camera, try setting the aperture for a smaller setting, something like f/10 or smaller.

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information