Monday, August 27, 2012

What Date Will The Next Total Solar Eclipse Be Visible In FLORIDA ?

Question by Meqan: What Date Will The Next Total Solar Eclipse Be Visible In FLORIDA ?
Please Provide Source.

Best answer:
Answer by SeaGrape305Over South Florida (Miami/Ft. Lauderdale) the next total solar eclipse will be on 2045-08-12, with maximum eclipse at 12:38 p.m., 20 seconds. Maximum ecl. over Orlando will be at 12:31:25.

Well, I'll be 62 years old then =(

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Relationship Shuffle - Eclipses Spring 2012

by arbyreed
Relationship Shuffle - Eclipses Spring 2012

May 20th and June 4th, 2012. It's that time of the year again! Eclipses occur twice a year and usually come in pairs. Our upcoming eclipses, consisting of an annular solar eclipse in Gemini and a partial lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, will be rather mild compared to previous ecliptic events. Eclipses bring changes. Even though our eclipses may be mild, there will be other stellar events, including Venus' retrograde and an outer planet square, that could amplify these changes. Because these eclipses will be occurring during Venus' retrograde, relationships and finances may suffer.Many believe that eclipse energy is 10 times more powerful than a normal full or new moon. Some practitioners of magic set aside eclipse time to cleanse their tools and cast their spells. Full moon lunar eclipses are a very good time for banishing and cleansing away negative energy. New moon solar eclipses can help in manifesting desires. It's an excellent time to ask the universe for what you need.Our eclipse on May 20th will be a New Moon solar eclipse in Gemini, on the cusp between Taurus and Gemini. With Venus turning retrograde in their sign only 5 days earlier, those with dominate Gemini in their charts will probably feel the brunt of this eclipse. There could also be upsets for Pisces with the eclipse squaring off with Neptune. This eclipse will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes, and Gemini's at 0 degrees really love change. In general, our lives could get very scattered around this time. Don't sign any contracts or make any life changing decisions until the effects of this eclipse has passed. Also, avoid euphoric substances, or Neptune may encourage you to "drink yourself into the gutter."The eclipse on June 4th could create even more problems. It will reside at 14 degrees 8 minutes in Sagittarius. Being a lunar eclipse, it will occur when the Moon opposes the Sun, and this opposition will generate a T-square with Mars and Venus. With the Sun and Moon in Gemini and Sagittarius (two signs not known for being faithful), and because Venus will be doing her retrograde thing, this fight with Mars could bring major relationship upsets, especially for Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. We may be tempted to stray from our commitments. For some of us, this will turn out to be a personal test of our willpower (brains versus hormones). For others, we could be dealing with disappointments.How will these eclipses affect you? First off look to see what houses they will occupy in your chart. Then look to see if they will aspect any of your planets or power points. If you have any planets between 28 and 2 degrees in any sign, they will probably be aspected by the solar eclipse on May 20th. If you have any planets between 12 and 16 degrees, they will probably be aspected by the lunar eclipse on June 4th. Also take a look at the number of planets and power

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When Is The Next Solar Or Lunar Eclipse Visible In Colorado?

by J. Paxon Reyes
Question by Courtney L: When Is The Next Solar Or Lunar Eclipse Visible In Colorado?
There was some news on when the next one will be, and today is March 3 going on 4, but Im not sure because they said it would be tonight. Any one got any leads?

Best answer:
Answer by Anne MarieHi Court!

Here's a summary:

1) The next total lunar eclipse in CO will be this summer. You'll be able to see it in the wee hours of the morning of Tuesday, August 28th.

2) The next solar eclipse of any kind is May 20, 2012. This is an annular eclipse, of the kind where the moon moves completely in front of the sun, but the sun's face is bigger than the lunar disc so it does not grow completely dark. The southwest corner of the state will be in the central path of annularity. Denver and the rest of CO will see a deep partial eclipse of the sun.

3) The next total eclipse of the sun visible anywhere in the United States will be August 21, 2017. Colorado will see only another deep partial eclipse from this one, but if you drive to Wyoming or Nebraska, you'll be able to see a total eclipse of the sun from, for example, Casper or Scotts Bluff.

By the way, there was nothing you could have done to see yesterday's eclipse of the moon. Unless you live in the extreme eastern strip of the state, the eclipse ended before the moon rose in Colorado. Even in the far east, you could have seen at most a tiny bite taken out of the lunar disc during the last few minutes of the partial phase. The total eclipse was invisible everywhere west of the Mississippi.

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Q&A: What is the date of the next solar or lunar eclipse?

by ozgurmulazimoglu
Question by : What is the date of the next solar or lunar eclipse?
just wondering.

Best answer:
Answer by hyperion

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In singapore At what time solar eclipse is visible on 4th january 2011?

by Rodrigo_Soldon
Question by Preety: In singapore At what time solar eclipse is visible on 4th january 2011?

Is it visible partial or total in singapore or not visible?? Any idea any one ??

Best answer:
Answer by wasabiteaIts not visible in singapore. Only in northern africa, europe and west asia

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The longest lunar eclipse ( moon eclipse ) in 100 years.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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2010 Turbulence and Uncertainty - A Time For Opportunity

by NASA Goddard Photo and Video
2010 Turbulence and Uncertainty - A Time For Opportunity

If you feel restless and anxious, like the world is spinning out of control and perhaps your life feels it is doing the same, know that there is a valid reason for those feelings. Turn on any news program and you'll see unrest, violence, confusion and great fear world wide, with a continual surgence of natural disasters, economic problems, and a host of rather devastating situations.We are fast approaching a major shift in our country and lives, and there is a very scientific reason for this shift. Our solar system is constantly moving and shifting, and as it does there are often times when our lives feel turbulent. Now is such a time. There is internal unrest with a sense of a shifting foundation.It's hard to imagine that planets which are light years away from us can affect us here on earth. Yet, the magnetic fields of the planets do affect our lives. They affect us on a personal level as well as on a global level. Beginning May 27, Uranus entered Aries for the first time in 84 years, and will stay there until mid-August, returning again next spring for 6 more years. On June 6th, Jupiter also enters 0 degrees Aries, so that Uranus and Jupiter will be united in 0 degrees of Aries. We have not seen this union of Uranus and Jupiter in well over 200 years - actually not since the time of the Revolutionary War. This summer, we will herald the beginning of an astrological event known as a Cardinal Grand Cross, around June 26, in which multiple planets will align in the shape of a cross. This major aspect will strongly affect the birth charts for both the United States and the Federal Reserve.A solar eclipse will take place on July 11th. Using the U.S. birth chart with Sagittarius rising, we could expect to see the U.S. economy dominating the news; there may also be increased earthquake activity. July 29th- 30th, will present an opportunity for explosive tension as planets align near or on the four 0 degrees. Deep relationship issues may erupt both personally and globally; more volcanoes may erupt. People may experience impulsiveness and explosiveness with poor judgment resulting in severe and immediate consequences. New leadership may emerge and therefore higher levels of consciousness will be easier to achieve. Signs will become evident of a new world to come with things changing at a moment's notice! There will be opportunities for growth on all levels - creativity, patience, resilience and resourcefulness. Individuals may feel as if they've been stripped down to a place in which all that is left is what is most important to them.Astrologers have been watching the approach of this phenomenon for several years. No one knows for sure how these energies will play out, but these events could possibly be beyond anyone's current imaginings. It is not something to fear, but rather to

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