Thursday, July 12, 2012

What's going to be the next moon eclipse and when is it coming?

Question by : What's going to be the next moon eclipse and when is it coming?
Cause I missed one. (Not the same kind of eclipse I mean a other eclipse that is coming)

Best answer:
Answer by Edward SharpYou didn't give your location, so here's a website that will give you worldwide locations, dates, times, durations, etc. Enjoy!

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

The Solar Eclipse of February 6, 2008

by zAmb0ni
The Solar Eclipse of February 6, 2008
Article by Sam Geppi

The Solar Eclipse of February 6, 2008 - Self Help

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The solar eclipse on February 6, 2008 is one of the more interesting ones I have seen in a while. Not only will there be an eclipse at that time, but retrograde Mercury will be directly conjoined the sun and moon at the time it is eclipsed. Mercury will be closer to the Earth at that this time than he is at any other time, making him very powerful.I see this Mercury retrograde as being good for Gemini and Virgo The solar eclipse on February 6, 2008 is one of the more interesting ones I have seen in a while. Not only will there be an eclipse at that time, but retrograde Mercury will be directly conjoined the sun and moon at the time it is eclipsed. Mercury will be closer to the Earth at that this time than he is at any other time, making him very powerful.I see this Mercury retrograde as being good for Gemini and Virgo ascendants, if they're willing to take a chance -- especially in the occult areas of life, and especially for Geminis, who have had Mars back and forth in their first house for close to four months at this point. Were ever the sign of Gemini falls in your chart could see a release from this eclipse. For those with a Gemini ascendant, sidereal zodiac, this eclipse could declare a major reversal of recent frustrations for them. I say this because an eclipse is very powerful, and not necessarily for "bad things". It shows unusual events and generally will support a spiritual or otherworldly expression.But in general, this eclipse is buttressed by a Sun/Saturn exchange. The sun is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn and Saturn is in Leo, ruled by the sun. This type of interaction is a powerful glue that tends to hold actions together, despite negative circumstances that may arise. Thus, the sign of Capricorn is also very activated by the eclipse. Those with a Capricorn ascendant, sidereal zodiac, must watch their health for the next six months. But those with the Capricorn ascendant who have had some health difficulties, may find some relief in the occult methods or some unexpected breakthroughs at this time.This eclipse happens in the Nakshatra of Dhanista, ruled by Mars -- who just started moving forward again in Gemini. This Nakshatra is related to wealth and sustenance of all sorts. It is where many different ideas become forged into something new and innovative. The deity are the eight Vasus - an amalgam of energies taken from the gods Indra, (lightning) Soma, (nectar) Kubera, (wealth) Agni, (fire) Yama (restraint / death). This is the Nakshatra or Mars is exalted, giving skill to use these universal forces creatively and alchemically. The exaltation point of Mars is symbolic

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Q&A: When is the next North American solar eclipse going to occur???

Question by tom science: When is the next North American solar eclipse going to occur???
...tom science

Best answer:
Answer by Ian Dseptember 22 2006... i don't know if its north america. go to the nasa website.

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What I Saw At The Gym: Kind Of Like A Solar Eclipse

by USAG-Humphreys
What I Saw At The Gym: Kind Of Like A Solar Eclipse
Article by R. Adam Shore

What I Saw At The Gym: Kind Of Like A Solar Eclipse - Health - Fitness

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Is just me or are some of the things that folks wear to the gym enough to burn your retina, permanently? You know like a solar eclipse when the experts warn that looking right at it without a filter will cause irreparable damage. Read on for details but be warned, this will not be pretty.Here the deal: I am not a high fashion gym guy. I'll wear an occasional Nike short and even more occasionally a logo shirt. On the other hand the sights I see at the gym can really hurt your eyes if you look too long or stare too hard. So as not be sexist please know that the conditions and descriptions mentioned herein apply to both men and women.There are likely categories for the attire people choose to wear to workout and if there are no formal ones then I am here to make them up. The way I see it breaks down like this:Terminally Fashionable: This god or goddess of workout is adorned head to toe in logo madness. Shirt, pants or shorts (or both), socks, shoes and hat all perfectly aligned. These are the same folks that seem to not sweat and may well send their workout clothes to the dry cleaner for that "just pressed" look. These are some of the same fabulous people that use the cell phone while walking the treadmill.The Rumpled Ones: Though this can happen any day or time of the week, I find it to be especially prevalent on weekend mornings, say around 7 or 8 a.m. Bed head in place, crusty eyes, the "what the hell am I doing here after the thing I did last night" look; you know the ones. They do have a certain elegance in their wrinkled shirts and long, made for the beach, board shorts. One thing I found to be true though is that they are determined to work hard and I have watched their improvements over time. I applaud these folks for not caring about what's going on superficially outside. They care about results and it shows.Stuck In The 70's: Tennis shorts, tucked in shirt, ankle high white socks with a portable 8 track player. All right I exaggerate, but not by much. These folks, again hard working, need to get one foot into the current millennium.TMI (Too Much Information): Let's be clear here, no one I know wants to see that much of you or your parts. Just the other day I was doing a stretch on the floor. The women next to me, all of 7 feet away, was splayed over a ball in a tight thin cotton leotard like garment. She was not wearing any undergarments,

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

When is the next total solar eclipse going to happen in the USA?

Question by Guitar: When is the next total solar eclipse going to happen in the USA?
I was just wondering when the next solar eclipse will be visible in the United States, specifically Ohio. Thanks for any help!

Best answer:
Answer by Toonces

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Stargazing for beginners

Stargazing for beginners
Article by Mike Platt

Stargazing for beginners - Education - Science

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Do you look up at the night sky and think that you would like to get more involved in astronomy. Many people think they would like it but get put off by the expense that can be involved with buying a telescope. one minute astronomer takes the beginner through a tour of the night sky and all you need is a cheap set of binoculars. The course teaches you how to navigate the stars by reading star maps. It also teaches you to start recognising the constellations. The course will also take you into the deep sky and show you A hazy patch of stars in the constellation Cancer once used by ancient sky watchers to forecast oncoming storms, long before Galileo discovered this mysterious cloud was really a cluster of blue-white stars

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

WoW! Significance of Sag Solar eclipse on US Thanksgiving, just as Merc turns retrograde?

by cizauskas
Question by ḯґḯṧℌ ẘґ☤ṧ⊥ ẘ@☂ḉ♄: WoW! Significance of Sag Solar eclipse on US Thanksgiving, just as Merc turns retrograde?
Eclipsese are extra energy boosts, and on Nov 24/25, we'll have a Solar eclipse in Sag, just a few hours after Merc goes retrograde in the same sign. Since this retrograde will almost double Mercury's time in Sag, what might be the implication and/or influence of this eclipse?

Anyone want to take a shot at it?
That was a good "shot", Michelle.

I was looking at more of the mundane features of this's rather unusual, the timing of the retrograde, I thought.

Thanks for sharing with us. It's always nice to see you.
Mercury turns at I think 20 degrees Sag, so that's in my 9th house....personally, I'm not seeing a huge affect from this eclipse...

Best answer:
Answer by MichelleI tend to look at the eclipses in the course of their coming up for various nations as well as for my clients. So I flipped through the pages of two ephemerides I have and saw several times when Mercury was already retrograde or had just turned direct. The last *similar* kind of emphasis was on December 4, 2002 when Jupiter went Retrograde 3.5 hours after the eclipse, but Jupiter was in trine to the Solar Eclipse.

It doesn't really matter whether you're looking at a Solar or Lunar Eclipse in relation to mundane transits as they are *unless you are considering the natal chart of an individual, a company or building, or a city, state or nation,* and even then, you must take close notice to all of the transiting dynamics of the moment of the eclipse as it relates to that natal chart. It *must* make a contact to the natal chart by hard aspect. In other words, it isn't just the eclipse point, for example, as you pointed to the Solar Eclipse at 2 Sagittarius 37 on November 25 at 6:11 am GMT; it's any point that any of the planets have touched at that time. (Mercury goes direct, btw, nearly 24 hours before that, at 7:36:57 am GMT.) So if you have a natal planet, for instance, in the range of, say, 25 Sagittarius to 5 Capricorn, then Venus is going to make contact with your natal chart that day. *However,* even the Moon could touch that point sometime after the eclipse and you would feel the impact going back to the eclipse. Depending on what planet it is and how it touches your chart, it can be noticeable or make you wonder what the fuss was all about.

I'm not saying some won't feel the retrograde. If it starts during someone's Lunar Return, that person will have the Retrograde seem to take longer than it does through others' charts. If it starts shortly after your Lunar Return, on the other hand, it's possible you won't even notice it taking as long as the other Mercury retrogrades do. It tends to be relative.

Edit: I'm afraid this might disappoint you, but

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Relationship Shuffle - Eclipses Spring 2012

by matsuyuki
Relationship Shuffle - Eclipses Spring 2012

May 20th and June 4th, 2012. It's that time of the year again! Eclipses occur twice a year and usually come in pairs. Our upcoming eclipses, consisting of an annular solar eclipse in Gemini and a partial lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, will be rather mild compared to previous ecliptic events. Eclipses bring changes. Even though our eclipses may be mild, there will be other stellar events, including Venus' retrograde and an outer planet square, that could amplify these changes. Because these eclipses will be occurring during Venus' retrograde, relationships and finances may suffer.Many believe that eclipse energy is 10 times more powerful than a normal full or new moon. Some practitioners of magic set aside eclipse time to cleanse their tools and cast their spells. Full moon lunar eclipses are a very good time for banishing and cleansing away negative energy. New moon solar eclipses can help in manifesting desires. It's an excellent time to ask the universe for what you need.Our eclipse on May 20th will be a New Moon solar eclipse in Gemini, on the cusp between Taurus and Gemini. With Venus turning retrograde in their sign only 5 days earlier, those with dominate Gemini in their charts will probably feel the brunt of this eclipse. There could also be upsets for Pisces with the eclipse squaring off with Neptune. This eclipse will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes, and Gemini's at 0 degrees really love change. In general, our lives could get very scattered around this time. Don't sign any contracts or make any life changing decisions until the effects of this eclipse has passed. Also, avoid euphoric substances, or Neptune may encourage you to "drink yourself into the gutter."The eclipse on June 4th could create even more problems. It will reside at 14 degrees 8 minutes in Sagittarius. Being a lunar eclipse, it will occur when the Moon opposes the Sun, and this opposition will generate a T-square with Mars and Venus. With the Sun and Moon in Gemini and Sagittarius (two signs not known for being faithful), and because Venus will be doing her retrograde thing, this fight with Mars could bring major relationship upsets, especially for Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. We may be tempted to stray from our commitments. For some of us, this will turn out to be a personal test of our willpower (brains versus hormones). For others, we could be dealing with disappointments.How will these eclipses affect you? First off look to see what houses they will occupy in your chart. Then look to see if they will aspect any of your planets or power points. If you have any planets between 28 and 2 degrees in any sign, they will probably be aspected by the solar eclipse on May 20th. If you have any planets between 12 and 16 degrees, they will probably be aspected by the lunar eclipse on June 4th. Also take a look at the number of planets and power

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