Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Q&A: What solar panels are the most efficient?

Question by Jason: What solar panels are the most efficient?
Currently being sold today! I know SunPower corp. commercial panels are about 20%.

Best answer:
Answer by rrxdeadmanThats pretty much it for commercially available panels. The only ones more efficient are the one's they put on the Mars landers. They are triple layer panels that catch different spectrum's of light, much more efficient. Millions of dollars more.

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

For the solar eclipse tonight what time is it going to start in New Jersey?

Question by Jersey: For the solar eclipse tonight what time is it going to start in New Jersey?
I really want to see the solar eclipse tonight? I really want to see it. I live in new jersey. what time will it start

Best answer:
Answer by William WIt won't be visable from New Jersey, sorry.

What do you think? Answer below!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

How to calculate moon sign without online websites?

Question by lauren: How to calculate moon sign without online websites?
Does anyone actually know how to calculate someones moon sign without using online sites etc. If so could you try explain it to me if it isn't too hard? Thanks ;)

Best answer:
Answer by MarkabIf you are only interested in the sign, not the degree, you might get lucky and just be able to look it up in an ephemeris. An ephemeris is a book that contains all the positions of the planets every day using the tropical zodiac and celestial longitude for reference. The Moon travels between roughly 12 and 15 degrees per day. It takes 2 1/2 days approximately to go through a sign. If it is in the same sign all day the day you were born, you just look it up. You have to know how to read all the glyphs or symbols though.

If the Moon changed signs during the day, you would have to know if you were born before or after the sign change. In other words if the Moon was in Gemini at midnight and went to Cancer at 11:00 AM on your birthday, you would have to know if you were born before or after 11:00 am to know if your Moon is in Gemini or Cancer.

However, an astrologer is interested in more than the sign, particularly with the Moon. He wants to know what degree of the sign and without a computer program to calculate it, it is a somewhat laborious job not suited to the math-phobic. You have to know the time of birth accurately. Then you have to look at the Moon's position for a period before and after that time. The ephemeris will give the Moon's position twice a day, once at noon Greenwich Mean Time and once at midnight. Let's say you were born at 7:00 AM GMT you would take the position of the Moon at midnight before birth and the position at noon after birth and with the use of a calculator and some tricky math figure out where the Moon was at 7:00 AM.

Your birth time would have to be converted to GMT first of course. This is easy. If you are American GMT is five hours sooner than EST, 6 hours sooner than central time, 7 hours sooner than Mountain Time and 8 hours sooner than Pacific time. When it is 8:00 AM in Chicago, central time, it is 2:00 PM GMT. Subtract one hour from the above during daylight savings time. Greenwich Time does not change during daylight time. Also note the date changes at midnight GMT. If you were born at 9:00 PM in New York on, say January 5, it is 2:00 AM GMT January 6. There are two different dates for the same instant.

If you are serious about astrology it is a good idea to learn how to calculate an entire chart "by hand," i.e. without a

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information