Thursday, December 27, 2012

Q&A: How does solar eclipse effect pregnant women?

Question by Silvia V: How does solar eclipse effect pregnant women?
I'm 16 weeks pregnant, and everyone is telling me that the solar eclipse, which will be May 20, 2012, can affect the unborn baby, has anyone else heard this?

Best answer:
Answer by KathyI've never heard that one. I've heard that more babies are born around full moons and on tuesdays though!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Total Solar Eclipse Australia 2012 UFO sighting? the planet Nibiru? A strange phenomenon? During the last total solar eclipse in 2012 a massive object appears between the moon and the sun the object is four times the size of Earth. As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun. This can happen only atnew moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. On 2012 November 13/14, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses Earth's southern Hemisphere. Over the course of 3.1 hours, the Moon's umbra travels along a path approximately 14500 kilometres long covering 0.46% of Earth's surface area. Please comment on this video, we will find out the truth among all the truth is out there subscribe to our channel
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

How would you answer these questions about yourself?

Question by Francis: How would you answer these questions about yourself?
How would you feel during a solar eclipse?
Would you describe yourself as intrigued by foreign cultures or as a person who prefers his/her own?
What, to you, is more synonymous with the word "weird"? exceptional? or problematic?
What do you think of modern art?
Would you describe yourself as a person who is focused more on the facts here and now or as a person who finds relationships between the here and now and the there and then?
Do you find yourself protecting what is unusual or avoiding it?
Where are you from?

(I'm trying to find a relationship between personal perception and geography. Thanks for answering!)
BTW, I'm going to give you career advice in the additional details. If you don't want it, please tell me
I'm very sorry to have taken so long to get back to you. Yesterday was Independence Day in USA. I hope you haven't forgotten about me.

The Snow Man and ThisIsHe are sensing types. Passionf is a very strong intuitive type (which was true of another Australian girl who responded to this question when I asked it before).

Sensing types: lawyers, judges, police officers, TV personalities, sales people, politicians

Intuitive types: MDs, psychologists, biologists, fantasy writers, renegades, revolutionaries,

Best answer:
Answer by The Snow ManAnswer 1 - I have seen a solar eclipse, and I loved it. I saw in South Wales, UK; and it is fascinating, though it 97%. I traveled a 100 miles to see and got up at 5am.
I was swimming in the sea at the time. August 1999.

Answer 2 - I am interested in China and Japan. I want go to see Japan one day, but I don't know if I will even get there with my illness.

Answer 3 - Do not understand the question

Answer 4 - Modern art is crap. A load of scribble that is sold for millions of dollars/pounds. Complete tosh!

Answer 5 - Both

Answer 6 - Not sure

Answer 7 - England

Give your answer to this question below!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

What is so inexplicable (paranormal) about the solar eclipse?

Question by Andrew Mitin: What is so inexplicable (paranormal) about the solar eclipse?
Some television shows about inexplicable and paranormal feature the solar eclipse symbols. What's paranormal behind this natural occurrence?

Best answer:
Answer by Lex LodgeIn the light of modern science an eclipse is well understood. But in times past when reading and writing were hardly known, and agriculture was everything; well the knowledge of an eclipse must have seemed quite magical.

What do you think? Answer below!

Partilal solar eclipse over Europe on 04.01.2011

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information