Sunday, January 6, 2013

What is so inexplicable (paranormal) about the solar eclipse?

Question by Andrew Mitin: What is so inexplicable (paranormal) about the solar eclipse?
Some television shows about inexplicable and paranormal feature the solar eclipse symbols. What's paranormal behind this natural occurrence?

Best answer:
Answer by Lex LodgeIn the light of modern science an eclipse is well understood. But in times past when reading and writing were hardly known, and agriculture was everything; well the knowledge of an eclipse must have seemed quite magical.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Annular Solar Eclipse . Spain 2005 October 03. 0900hours UT (approx). Location: Calpe, Spain. N38.65° E0.06° Video take from balcony of villa at N38.65440497° E0.07759966° ( Google Map , ) Recorded using a webcam attached, with rubber bands, to the viewfinder of a 35mm SLR camera (not digital), with a piece of welders glass used as a filter attached to front of the lens with foam and sticky-tape. Lens used was 500mm focal length. The webcam recorded onto an IBM Thinkpad T22 laptop, in short clips as the hard drive was not big enough to record the entire eclipse from beginning to end. The clips were stitched together and the video stabilised to remove the movement of sun/moon during the event. The joined up clips were then speeded up, except the moment just before and after annularity - the annularity event is in real time. Picture of the setup can be seen here: .
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

What is the astrological impact of having so many consecutive solar and lunar eclipses?

Question by ḯґḯṧℌ ẘґ☤ṧ⊥ ẘ@☂ḉ♄: What is the astrological impact of having so many consecutive solar and lunar eclipses?
in the next few months we'll have several Solar and Lunar eclipses, one right after another.
June 1 solar eclipse in Gemini
June 15 lunar eclipse in Sagittarius
July 1 solar eclipse in Cancer

These intermixed with a Full moon in Capricorn (July 14ish), new moon in Leo (July 30)

What is the impact of all this activity?

Best answer:
Answer by MichelleThere really isn't enough room to answer this as well as I'd like, so I'll beg your indulgence to give you a taste of what else you can explore after I say some of this.

Eclipses can tell you quite a bit about things going on in your life. For example, not just the Sun and Moon, but even the other planet will help you to see some pictures you may or may not like to see. I still remember one eclipse in particular when Saturn opposed my Mars in my chart. I'll tell you it was by far one of the most miserable experiences in my life, and it kept coming back to haunt me each and every time that degree was touched by transit until the next eclipse rolled by. I no longer remember if it was a Solar or Lunar Eclipse, and in the broader scope of this explanation, it doesn't really matter.

If it takes place during a Solar Eclipse, then you will see this kind of event based on tension or whatever is relevant to the planetary "exchange" with your natal chart each time that degree is touched till the next eclipse of the same type comes into play. You want to take into consideration which houses will be affected as well as the points of your natal chart that will be touched, and note that the greater impact is *usually* going to be with the Sun, but don't ignore the Lunar Eclipse. That too is important.

In 2000, there were 3 eclipses in one month, just as there will be this time. Two weeks before the Solar Eclipse on July 1, 2000, I had a major head injury that required stitches to repair a severed artery. The transiting Moon was opposing the Solar Eclipse point. During the week of the incoming Lunar Eclipse on July 16, I was robbed of all our possessions. Luckily, my children and I weren't there. And on July 31 that year, there was another Solar Eclipse, and I ended up with a gift of over $ 500.

Also be aware that your Pre-Natal Eclipse Points are important. The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Point appears to be connected to "fated" encounters with people and events. The Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse Point requires a bit more attentiveness to see how it affects you. It appears to be linked more broadly through all of the planets in your chart, whichever one is being touched by that eclipse.

Hope this helps a bit.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

This Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

What time will the Solar Eclipse happen today?

Question by Super: What time will the Solar Eclipse happen today?
Okay, so there is going to be an Annular eclipse today, which it is an eclipse of the sun, in which the edge of the sun remains visible as a bright ring around the moon. Anyway, all I am asking is: what time will the eclipse happen?

Best answer:
Answer by Box Of WineWe know what an annular eclipse is, but thanks for the explanation. The eclipse will be going on at sunset. The farther east you are, the less you will see. Everyone on the east coast will miss it entirely.

What do you think? Answer below!

A total solar eclipse plunged northern Queensland into darkness for two minutes, delighting crowds packed on the beach in Cairns. Australians donned protective glasses as the clouds parted to allow them to witness one of nature's greatest phenomena -- a total eclipse of the sun. All eyes and cameras turned to the heavens over tropical north Queensland as the moon began moving between the Earth and the sun, like a small bite which gradually increases in size. Cloud cover threatened to spoil the party and huge cheers erupted when they parted to give tens of thousands of eclipse hunters a perfect view of totality -- when the moon completely covers the sun and a faint halo or corona appears. The path of the eclipse got under way shortly after daybreak when the moon's shadow, or umbra, fell in the Garig Gunak Barlu National Park in the Northern Territory, about 155 miles east of Darwin. The umbra then moved eastward before alighting in north Queensland -- one of the few places it could be viewed by humans and where tourists and scientists flocked to witness the region's first total solar eclipse in 1300 years. Read more: Get the latest headlines Subscribe to The Telegraph Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ and are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: How to view the Solar eclipse Sunday?

Question by Bradley Wright: How to view the Solar eclipse Sunday?
I want to use the Cardboard and a pen hole trick.. I just want to know how big of a piece of cardboard I would need to do this trick.

From what I have heard, you can view Solar eclipses with just two pieces of cardboard by making a pen hole inside one and face your back to the sun. Hold the piece with the hole up to the sun and make the light shine through to hit another piece of cardboard.

I would just like to know the dimensions of what I should make the cardboard and pin hole, so that I can clearly see this eclipse.

Best answer:
Answer by cosmoThe dimensions are not critical.

The important thing is that the size of the pinhole, seen from the distance of the screen, is much smaller than the Sun.

It helps to have the "screen" be in deep shadow, so a more sophisticated version is to get a cardboard box (from the supermarket, for example). Cut a fairly big hole (say 1 inch diameter) in one end, tape a piece of aluminum foil over that, and make the pinhole in the foil. That way, it's a nice clean pinhole with sharp edges. Then line the opposite side of the box inside with white paper, to act as a screen. The box will help to keep the "screen" in shadow.

You can test it out before the eclipse, by using it on the Sun. If you get a nice round spot on the "screen", it should work fine.

If the pinhole is small enough, and the shadow on the screen dark enough, you might be able to see big sunspots.

A smaller pinhole will make a better image, but it will also be a dimmer image.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How to make a shoe-box viewer to safely view the solar eclipse. I added black duct tape to all the taped edges of the box to block any stray light, and black tape next to the eye-hole to reduce the glare to your eye from the Sun shining on the outside of the white box.

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information