Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How do I know what time the Lunar Eclipse will take place?

Question by Rain Dancer: How do I know what time the Lunar Eclipse will take place?
Tonight is the lunar eclipse and I would like to see it, but I cant find anything that will give me a time to shoot for. Thanks to anyone who can help!

Best answer:
Answer by Dr BobThere will be nothing to see. It's such a minor penumbral eclipse that the moon will simply look like an ordinary full moon.

Here are the times:
7:04:17 PM EDT eclipse begins
8:39:10 PM EDT maximum eclipse
10:14:09 PM EDT eclipse ends

The moon will be up for much of the eclipse on the east coast of the US; on the west coast, however, the moon will be below the horizon during the eclipse.

If you had precise measuring equipment, you might be able to detect a slight gradation of brightness, but you won't see anything with your naked eye.

Here's the NASA information for this eclipse:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

All in all, this eclipse isn't too special, but it isn't too lame either. While penumbral eclipses are harder to see than partial ones due to the less intense shadow cast on them, they still can be seen if, as in this one, the moon moves deep enough into the penumbra. However, even then, the only visible changes in the moon's brightness is that one side will appear slightly darker than the other one, and you will likely need to look for this to notice anything unusual. Still, if you have free time on the day this eclipse will happen on, I would advise you look for it when it's near its peak. An eclipse is an eclipse, no matter how intense it is. Also make sure to Check your calendars and local news to get more info on what calendar day this eclipse will occur on. THis is because the date this and every other eclipse is said to occur on relates to what time it is at the prime meridian while the eclipse happens, which means that the actual date of the eclipse where you live could be one day before or after the given date, and this can seriously screw up your plans if you want to see the eclipse. Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 12:14:58 UT Greatest Eclipse: 14:33:00 UT Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 16:51:02 UT (source ) activist victor activistvictor "penumbral lunar eclipse" "lunar eclipse" november 28, 2012 11/28/12 11-28-12 11-28-2012 11/28/2012 moon sun earth shadow umbra penumbra

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: How many different types of Eclipse are there?

Question by They call me DICKFART: How many different types of Eclipse are there?
At least every couple years I hear about an eclipse that only comes around every couple hundred years.

Best answer:
Answer by ec123456789ablethere are 2.

lunar and solar.

lunar eclipses are where the sun moon and earth are all in a line with the earth being in the middle. these happen every 4 years or so.

solar eclipses are where the sun moon and earth are all in a line with the moon being in the middle. these only happen around once a century with the next one scheduled for 2090.

Give your answer to this question below!

The Total Solar Eclipse going into totality over Palm Cove, Cairns, Queensland November 14, 2012 - live
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: i am a teacher and need a science project to teach students about eclipses?

Question by : i am a teacher and need a science project to teach students about eclipses?
I am a teacher for 2nd graders, and every chapter I perform a project for them so they better understand the material and have a little bit of fun. This chapeter is about eclipses... solar eclipses and lunar eclipses. I was hoping someone could give me ideas for a cute, fun project!

Best answer:
Answer by bronnimooseIsn't it scary that teachers have to resort to 'Yahoo answers' to get inspiration for their work.
I assume you're American as it's clear that the nation is getting dumber and dumber and dumber............I can see why now.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: Can you turbo charge a 2012 Mitsubishi eclipse GT ?

Question by Blake: Can you turbo charge a 2012 Mitsubishi eclipse GT ?
Im about to buy the 2012 mitsubishi eclipse GT and i was woundering if you can turbo charge it because i am comparing it with a hyundai genesis 3.8 T

Best answer:
Answer by C7SYes you can. It will cost $ 4000-$ 5000 parts and labor and add maybe 80-100HP assuming you also have the cold air intake and exhaust system to back it up. .

What do you think? Answer below!

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information