Friday, April 12, 2013

Has there ever been a total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse in the same lunar revolution?

Question by Eric: Has there ever been a total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse in the same lunar revolution?
I know the moon is inclined about 16 degrees, but I imagine this is possible since the sun's inclination is greater than that.

Best answer:
Answer by ArkaliusThe moon's ecliptic inclination is only about 5.1 degrees. It's equatorial inclination varies over the course of just over 18 years from 18.3 degrees to 28.6 degrees and back again, due to the precession of it's nodes.

In the epoch of human existence, a total lunar and total solar eclipse occurring in the same lunation would be impossible and has not happened. In the distant past, when the moon was closer, and therefore appeared larger, it is likely that it was able to create both total solar and lunar eclipses in the same lunation.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

"solar eclipse" "australia" "queensland" "total solar eclipse" "sun" "earth" "planets" "solar system" "Breaking news" "News" "Australia news" "Australian new...
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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Whats the difference of a Solar and Lunar Eclipse?

Question by Tasha: Whats the difference of a Solar and Lunar Eclipse?
I remember learning about the differences of the two in school, however I completely forgot! So, what is the difference of a Solar and Lunar Eclipse?

Best answer:
Answer by kiwia lunar eclipse is where the earth and moon line up, thus no moon. during a solar eclipse, the moon covers the sun, so its much more dramatic because you can see it happening. Hope i helped!!

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This topic explains about the solar and lunar eclipse and types of eclipse. This is a product of Mexus Education Pvt. Ltd., an education innovations company ...
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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Whats a cool emperiment about optics and visions?

Question by Bailey Anderson: Whats a cool emperiment about optics and visions?
Im doing a project for school and we need some cool, educational, and interesting experiments we can use. Also we are presenting in fount of the school board. so it needs to be fun and educational. Also tell me where you got the idea or i cant use it! THANKS!!!!

Best answer:
Answer by mark mCswarverlyTry looking at a total solar eclipse for a long time because my bro did this and said it looked like a fireball and it was sweet, yeah. LOL

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A technological development science fair project. A refracting telescope has an old paint bucket attached to the eye piece end. An image of the sun is projec...
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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information