Monday, December 24, 2012

i am a teacher and need a science project to teach students about eclipses?

Question by : i am a teacher and need a science project to teach students about eclipses?
I am a teacher for 2nd graders, and every chapter I perform a project for them so they better understand the material and have a little bit of fun. This chapeter is about eclipses... solar eclipses and lunar eclipses. I was hoping someone could give me ideas for a cute, fun project!

Best answer:
Answer by bronnimooseIsn't it scary that teachers have to resort to 'Yahoo answers' to get inspiration for their work.
I assume you're American as it's clear that the nation is getting dumber and dumber and dumber............I can see why now.

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Is something going to happen between May 20th, 2012 and June 6th or just after?

Question by Michael: Is something going to happen between May 20th, 2012 and June 6th or just after?
I know the solar eclipse is going to happen on may 20 , 2012 but I just saw video saying that theirs going to be a big earthquake and that Nostradamus and Mayans predicted something was going to happen. Is it true what is really going to happen in 2 days I know the solar eclipse but anything else? Should I be worry about? Is the world going to end on December 21, 2012 ? I'm really scare right now

Best answer:
Answer by Vic RattleheadYes, the people that lived 1400 years ago predicted the exact date of the exact natural disaster of something that will happen in a place they didn't even know about at the time using the stars.


The Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012. It's the end of something called the Long Cycle. As soon as it ends, a new one begins. They just didn't record it. It's like the end of the year. The world doesn't end when there are no more days in the year, a new year just starts instead.

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***Best Solar Eclipse Footage On Youtube*** Annular Solar Eclpise.. Eclipse 2012 For one night, millions of eyes look up to the 'Ring of Fire.' Millions around the world are set to watch the annular solar eclipse, in which the moon passes in front of the sun leaving only a golden ring around its edges, which will be visible to wide areas across Asia Monday morning, parts of the western United States and even some parts of Mexico will catch a glimpse. Parts of eastern Asia were being treated to a solar spectacle as the moon slid across the sun, creating a "ring of fire." Sky-watchers in the western US awaited their turns as the rare phenomenon was due to move over the Pacific and toward them later Sunday. Scientists cautioned would-be viewers everywhere to be very careful because the sun's damaging rays will remain powerful even during the annular solar eclipse. The advice: Either wear specially designed protective eyewear or attend a viewing event — at a planetarium or amateur astronomy club, for example — to avoid risk of serious eye injury. Local weather permitting, the solar spectacle was first visible in parts of eastern Asia around dawn Monday, local time. If skies were clear enough, early risers there were able to catch the ring eclipse.

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

When will the next total solar eclipse be viewable in Texas?

Question by Carefree Alpaca!: When will the next total solar eclipse be viewable in Texas?
I'd also like to know what part of Texas it would cross over. I know we had one where I am about 10-15 years ago, but I'm trying to figure the odds of me seeing one in my lifetime.

Thanks in advance!

Best answer:
Answer by Anne MarieHi Tex!

You don't have all that long to wait! The total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 will sweep across Texas in a wide band. Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin and Waco lie in the path of totality, which just brushes San Antonio. Those from Texarkana to Del Rio and most of the Texas Hill Country also see the total eclipse. The rest of the state gets to see a partial eclipse that morning.

There are a few other solar eclipses of note over the next sixteen years, but none will actually be total in Texas.

1) If you happen to be in Lubbock, you'll see an annular eclipse of the sun the evening of May 20, 2012. In an annular eclipse, the moon moves completely across the solar disc, but since the moon is in the part of its orbit that carries it farthest from earth, it won't be large enough to completely cover the sun. A ring of sunlight remains visible throughout. The rest of Texas sees the start of a partial eclipse at sunset that evening, 4 1/2 years from now.

2) You can see a shallow partial eclipse the afternoon of October 23, 2014. Only about 50% of the sun will be covered in the panhandle, less than that in the rest of the state.

3) There is a total solar eclipse in Missouri on August 21, 2017 you could see. But it will be only a partial eclipse in Texas. About 80% of the solar disc is covered in north Texas, dwindling to 60% in the Rio Grande valley.

4) Less than six months before the total eclipse of 2024, most of south Texas sees an annular eclipse, the morning of October 24, 2023. San Antonio, Odessa, and Corpus Christi lie in the path of maximum eclipse, which will also brush Lubbock again. Places along the eastern border of New Mexico will see both annular eclipses, this and the one on May 20, 2012.

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Un eclipse solar es el fenómeno que se produce cuando la Luna oculta al Sol, desde la perspectiva de la Tierra. Esto sólo puede pasar durante la luna nueva (Sol y Luna en conjunción. Existen cuatro tipos de eclipse solar: Parcial: la Luna no cubre por completo el disco solar que aparece como un creciente. Semiparcial: la Luna casi cubre por completo el Sol, pero no lo consigue. Total: desde una franja (banda de totalidad) en la superficie de la Tierra, la Luna cubre totalmente el Sol.2 Fuera de la banda de totalidad el eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: How many eclipse are there going to be this year?

Question by HH: How many eclipse are there going to be this year?
I was just reading on NASA website that there are going to be four eclipses in 2012? Is there going to be one by Venus? If I live in Texas will I see all of them?

Best answer:
Answer by Samthere is no venus eclipse possible. its called venus transit. venus cant eclipse sun. its will look like small black dot. cant see venus transit with naked eye.

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Watch the only total Solar Eclipse of 2012 seen live on 14.11.2012 at the beaches in Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns Great Barrier Reef, Australia Solar eclipse (2/2) at: Broadcast by Panasonic from Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas Resort and NASA at the beach in Cairns, Australia Watch also: Panasonic Succeeded in the Total Solar Eclipse Live by Solar Power The last total solar eclipse as viewed from Earth took place in July 2010, and the next one won't occur until March 2015. Read more: or: and Eclipse of the Sun 2009-2015: or: and:

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information