Thursday, April 4, 2013

is it more dangerous to stare at a partial eclipse or the bare naked sun?

Question by ZUrdo: is it more dangerous to stare at a partial eclipse or the bare naked sun?
Obviously both, but I just want to know why the sun's rays are more intense during a partial eclipse? or are the uv rays just as intense as the bare naked sun?

Best answer:
Answer by TheCommodoreBare Naked Sun, nothing is stopping the UV's or light for that matter.

Just do us a favour and don't look at it.

What do you think? Answer below!

Partial eclipse of the sun, filmed in Ylistaro, Finland 8.1. Not a perfect eclipse of the sun, but better than nothing, video quality is the best that my vid...
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

What happens with the moon on the other side of the Earth where a solar eclipse is not occurring?

Question by CL2710: What happens with the moon on the other side of the Earth where a solar eclipse is not occurring?
I want to know what happens with the moon during a solar eclipse, BUT on the side of the Earth where the eclipse is not occurring, for example if a solar eclipse is visible on North America, what happens in China, Europe, etc. with the moon, is there no moon, or what?
Thank you!

Best answer:
Answer by Geoff GThe Moon is in orbit around the Earth. During a solar eclipse it is between the Earth and the Sun. So there is no Sun or Moon on the other side of the Earth. There's nothing unusual about this -- it happens many times during the month.

What do you think? Answer below!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Can anyone please tell me about eclipse omens?

Question by Rose: Can anyone please tell me about eclipse omens?
What would be the omens derived from the solar eclipse and moon eclipse?

Best answer:
Answer by ҉҉҉҉ ҉҉҉҉ ҉҉҉҉ ҉҉҉҉ ҉҉҉҉ ҉҉҉҉ ҉҉just a headache

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information