Saturday, January 5, 2013

have the recent natural disasters got anything to do with the mayans prediction of 2012?

Question by georgia: have the recent natural disasters got anything to do with the mayans prediction of 2012?
the mayans and some other doomsday prophecies said that the world would end with lots of natural disasters, i mean recently there have been loads of earthquakes, floods and now a volcano has erupted! i do believe the mayans they predicted ww1,ww2,every lunar and solar eclipse to this day, 9/11, the planet getting hotter (climate change) and more. should we consider this the mayans prediction coming true?

Best answer:
Answer by Category 5Theres no science behind the so called 2012 nonsense. The earth has seen MUCH more turbulent times in the past.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Find more info on 2012 Event at . . . . . . . . . . . . # Lunar eclipse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the earth so that the earth blocks the sun's rays from striking the moon. This can occur only when the ... 2010 Dec 21 - List of lunar eclipses - 2017 Feb 31 - 1997 Sep 16 - Cached - Similar # Lunar Eclipses for Beginners Jun 16, 2009 ... This page is a basic introduction and explanation of how lunar eclipses take place. It includes a preview to upcoming eclipses of the Moon. - Cached - Similar # NASA - Lunar Eclipse Page This is NASA's official lunar eclipse page. It contains maps and tables for 5000 years of lunar eclipses and includes information on eclipse photography and ... - Cached - Similar # Solstice Lunar Eclipse - NASA Science Northern winter is beginning in a special way. On Dec. 21st, the winter ... Show more results from Get more results from the past 24 hours # News for lunar eclipse # Baltimore Sun (blog) Total lunar eclipse visible tomorrow from isles 1 hour ago This is the first total lunar eclipse visible to Hawaii residents since Aug. 28, 2007, and the first anywhere since December 2007, Shanahan said. ... Honolulu Star-Advertiser - 553 related articles # Tellus Museum Opens for Luar Eclipse Tuesday ...

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

How many times greater or smaller is your weight during a solar eclipse?

Question by Jessica: How many times greater or smaller is your weight during a solar eclipse?
I need help with my physics homework pleaseee!!

How many times greater or smaller is your weight during a solar eclipse?

Best answer:
Answer by ohSnapThat's assuming the moon is directly overhead?

ok, so Fg = Gm1m2/r^2

|Fg|=G*m_earth*m_you/(radius_of_earth)^2 - G*m_moon*m*you/(distance_from_center_of_moon_to_you)^2

Add your own answer in the comments!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

How much would fixing a hole in a piston of a 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse?

Question by Ashley: How much would fixing a hole in a piston of a 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse?
I have a 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder Convertible how much would it cost to fix a hole in a piston? I would be doing it by hand, so how much would the piston cost and fixing it?
Thanks, I see now. Um honestly to say I was going to buy the car, but if it has this much I have to do and it will cost more then the car itself I'll save my money and buy a better one.

Best answer:
Answer by NickaroniI am 99% sure YOU cannot fix this. If you're asking this question then you have no idea what you're talking about. You would need to take the engine out and strip it down and put it back together to exact specs.

It would cost a lot.

good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

***Best Solar Eclipse Footage On Youtube*** Annular Solar Eclpise.. Eclipse 2012 For one night, millions of eyes look up to the 'Ring of Fire.' Millions around the world are set to watch the annular solar eclipse, in which the moon passes in front of the sun leaving only a golden ring around its edges, which will be visible to wide areas across Asia Monday morning, parts of the western United States and even some parts of Mexico will catch a glimpse. Parts of eastern Asia were being treated to a solar spectacle as the moon slid across the sun, creating a "ring of fire." Sky-watchers in the western US awaited their turns as the rare phenomenon was due to move over the Pacific and toward them later Sunday. Scientists cautioned would-be viewers everywhere to be very careful because the sun's damaging rays will remain powerful even during the annular solar eclipse. The advice: Either wear specially designed protective eyewear or attend a viewing event — at a planetarium or amateur astronomy club, for example — to avoid risk of serious eye injury. Local weather permitting, the solar spectacle was first visible in parts of eastern Asia around dawn Monday, local time. If skies were clear enough, early risers there were able to catch the ring eclipse.

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Is it normal for to be afraid of lunar and solar eclipses?

Question by Sugeith Sostre: Is it normal for to be afraid of lunar and solar eclipses?
I am completely and totally terrified of Lunar and solar eclipses, is there a reason why?

Is there someone out there with the same fear as me if not tell me why i shouldn't worry

thank you

Best answer:
Answer by gintableIt is called "fear of the unknown". If you simply "face your fear" and go watch it or at least read about it and study why it occurs, then you will no longer fear it.

There is nothing to fear. It is an INTERESTING observation. GO out and observe it!

Give your answer to this question below!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information