Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What are we supposed to do about the solar eclipse Sunday?

Question by Just Askin': What are we supposed to do about the solar eclipse Sunday?
Are we supposed to sacrifice a chicken or a goat to bring back the sun disk? Or an enemy captive? Or do we send money to a televangelist?


Best answer:
Answer by gimme yo FudgeeOadmire it

Add your own answer in the comments!

Eclipse 2012 When dawn breaks across Cairns and Great Barrier Reef on 14 November 2012, the early chatter of birds and animals will be replaced by an eerie silence. The temperature will drop as the moon overtakes the sun casts a shadow so large the land will be plunged into darkness. Eclipse 2012 is attracting world-wide attention from visitors planning holidays around the event which is best viewed from the Cairns region. The total solar eclipse will be seen along a strip of land about 200km wide which crosses the top of eastern Australia and the Coral Sea. For a detailed map, please click here. It is rare for a total eclipse to be visible from land, so the excitement is building for those who want to share in this extraordinary phenomenon. Three charter flights from Japan are bringing eclipse-watchers, and several cruise ships are scheduled to be in the Cairns & Great Barrier Reef region in time for passengers to see the eclipse. Accommodation inquiries are flooding in and special events have been planned to celebrate Eclipse 2012. Find a viewing spot from a beach anywhere between Bloomfield and Innisfail; a Great Barrier Reef island; or head for a wide open space on the Atherton Tableland or Cape York Peninsula.

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: What is so inexplicable (paranormal) about the solar eclipse?

Question by Andrew Mitin: What is so inexplicable (paranormal) about the solar eclipse?
Some television shows about inexplicable and paranormal feature the solar eclipse symbols. What's paranormal behind this natural occurrence?

Best answer:
Answer by Lex LodgeIn the light of modern science an eclipse is well understood. But in times past when reading and writing were hardly known, and agriculture was everything; well the knowledge of an eclipse must have seemed quite magical.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Eclipse Solar Parte II

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

What is the next solar eclipse seen in France going to be?

Question by Evan L: What is the next solar eclipse seen in France going to be?
It's for an idea I'm working on. I know there's one (Total Eclipse) seen in France on November 5, 2059 but what would be the one right behind that? Total or Partial.

So what would be the last solar eclipse seen before the one in 2059?


Best answer:
Answer by wallyrushSep.3 2081 will be the next total
May 22 1724 was the last total

Add your own answer in the comments!

Learn about the next 30 days for your sign and get a free two weeks and a free DVD home study course here. samgeppi.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

For the solar eclipse tonight what time is it going to start in New Jersey?

Question by Jersey: For the solar eclipse tonight what time is it going to start in New Jersey?
I really want to see the solar eclipse tonight? I really want to see it. I live in new jersey. what time will it start

Best answer:
Answer by William WIt won't be visable from New Jersey, sorry.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information