Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What are lunar eclipses and solar eclipses?

Question by lqy9788: What are lunar eclipses and solar eclipses?
I am doing a venn diagram of this. Also check out my other question (What are some similarities and differences between a lunar and solar eclipses?). I really need help. I am spending 24/7 onthis stuff.

Best answer:
Answer by stupsmithSolar eclipse - when the moon is between the sun and the earth causing a shadow on the earth, blocking out the sun

Lunar eclipse - when the earth is between the sun and the moon, blocking light geting to the moon.

I think this is correct. hope it helps

Add your own answer in the comments!

Don't look directly at the Sun! Life's Little Mysteries' Natalie Wolchover shows how you can build a simple shoebox "pinhole camera" out of household materials for safe solar viewing. It's the harmless way to view any solar eclipse.

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

When the next solar eclipse happens, does the Philippines stand a chance to experience it?

Question by Yanka: When the next solar eclipse happens, does the Philippines stand a chance to experience it?
It states in MrEclipse.com that the next solar eclipse will happen on August 1, 2008. It would start in Canada and leave in China. Do you think the Philippines (where I am staying now) will have a chance to be able to get "blocked"?

Best answer:
Answer by YaybobYou will see at most a partial eclipse, maybe less. There is a map at http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/OH/OHfigures/OH2008-Fig03.pdf that shows the Philippines on the line between seeing it and not.

This map http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/SEmono/TSE2008/TSE2008iau/TSE2008-fig08.GIF suggests that you may not see much

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: What do they mean when you can see planets during a total solar eclipse?

Question by AY0116: What do they mean when you can see planets during a total solar eclipse?
There is a total eclipse coming up in August for parts of Russia and China, there are other places as well but I don't know where. I was reading an article about how there will be four planets visible during the eclipse. What I want to know is, does the eclipse magnify these planets so you can view them with the naked eye or does it just expose the area of the planet in darkness long enough that you could view them through a telescope?

Best answer:
Answer by Wild BillThe eclipse actually reduces the light pollution from the Sun to the Earth allowing us to see the brightest objects in the sky such as Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. When the eclipse is over they will fade into the wild blue sky!

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Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Video Marketing Tips - A Camcorder Can Bring in the Bucks

Video Marketing Tips - A Camcorder Can Bring in the Bucks

A lot of marketers think that, in order to create a video that will bring in tons of cash, you have to script this elaborate production. Wrong! All you need is a camcorder of some kind to have the bucks come pouring in. Think I'm kidding? Well, after reading this article, you'll realize how easy it really is.Do you know what tomorrow is? It's the day we're going to have another solar eclipse, as of this writing anyway. So what's the big deal? Well, I happened to run over to YouTube to look up solar eclipse and wouldn't you know it, there were almost 3,000 videos having to do with a solar eclipse...many of them actual footage of one. And guess what? Some of these videos had monetization at the end of them. That's right. Some guy with just a camcorder and a way to upload that video to the Internet is making money hand over fist.The key to the whole process is finding a subject where all you have to do is go outside and take some movies where there is a market for that information. Off the top of my head, how about a movie of a guy hitting golf balls for a golf instructional video? Or how about going to the local bowling alley to take some shots of a guy tossing bowling balls for a bowling instructional video? Or baseball, or football, or any sport where the best instruction is video? All you need is your camera and somebody to demonstrate the correct technique for whatever you're doing.Let's say you're making a video to show the proper golf swing. As I said, you don't need to script some elaborate production. A intro as simple as, "Here is the proper golf swing for a T shot using a 3 wood" will do the trick. Then just let the guy do his thing. The beauty of these type of videos is that they're action videos and therefore, a lot of words aren't needed. Just tell the viewer what they're going to see and you're done.Video marketing for many topics can be as simple as just walking outside and letting your camera do the work.And it doesn't get any easier than that.To YOUR Success,Steven Wagenheim

Want to find out how to create killer videos like my friend Kevin Riley and rake in a 6 figure income like he and I do? Check out my review of his dynamite product at my blog at http://stevenwagenheim.blogspot.com/2008/06/kevin-rileys-recipe-for-success.html Article Source:

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

Q&A: Why is it bad to stare at a solar eclipse?

Question by xcloudxstrifex: Why is it bad to stare at a solar eclipse?
North America's next solar eclipse is in 2017, I want to watch it. But why do I need to put on dimming glasses? Isn't the sunlight being blocked out by the moon enough to not do any harm?

Best answer:
Answer by J. Frost"Isn't the sunlight being blocked out by the moon enough to not do any harm?"
No, theres still enough light to damage your eyes. Not so-much when the moon completely obscures the sun, but in the transition phases, where the sun is only partially covered. Its easy to not notice the damage being done.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Why does a total eclipse of the Sun so excite us? What do we see as we peer into Sun's corona, an otherwise invisible energy field occupying more space than the physical Sun? Why is understanding our local star the missing piece in the cosmic jigsaw puzzle? Gregory planned to give this one-off dedicated talk at the Eclipse 2012 Festival in Cairns, Australia. When events derailed that trip, this video was specially made and dispatched by DJ Express (thanks Tristan) for special pre-eclipse screening.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information