Monday, July 23, 2012

Review of The 2nd Big Shift

by tonynetone
Review of The 2nd Big Shift
Article by Jolie DeMarco

Review of The 2nd Big Shift - Self Help - Advice

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I thought I had exhausted any interesting channelings about this year when I ran across a Facebook ad for a book talking about 2012. I had to click. What I found was "The 2nd Big Shift", by channel, healer, author and artist Jolie DeMarco. This work is both a collection of channelings from her guides about the energy of 2012 and guidance using her channeled art in the form of her Healing Mandalas Oracle Card Deck. The book has full color pictures of her cards along with descriptions. Jolie is the owner of My Flora Aura Mindful Healing Center in Boca Raton, Florida.In my book, "2012 Messages" it's quite clear from the sources that this year is the continuation and building of energy that has been going on for a while, not the end of this upward cycle of intense energetics. As one of Sherri Cortland's guides says, we are "waist-deep" into it. However, Jolie's guides have a slightly different take on this. They say that last year (2011) was the first big shift and that this year is "The 2nd Big Shift".Her guides state that "There are many small occurrences within a shift. There is one big shift before the Earth will move on to the next shift. The second big shift is 2012, then 2021,then 2025." She says that "The second big shift [this year] will work its way around the globe..." and "...culminate in a big event" but that there will be "really big changes in the world in 2021".The guides say that things are changing "atmospherically" and that this is affecting the air so that we can get acclimated more quickly to the new vibrations, "to get human bodies ready for the next part of the shift...". where "Earth will be reborn again."Jolie sees this current economic problem as just the start of getting people to change the way they exchange energy, to shift the values and realize that we are all connected. As she says, "we are all souls that live together". I believe that, but fear and worry keep us separated. That's what keeps the economy in a negative state. When people focus on how bad things are or how bad they could get in the future, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. We need to roll with it and adapt. In essence, we have to learn to be happy in all situations that we get placed in. Jolie wants us to be happy and healed so that we can move forward to the next stage of our development more easily and to add more positive energy to the shift we are in.The work on the healing mandalas began in 2010. Each card portrays a mulit-colored pictogram, many containing sacred geometry. It is said that you

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