Friday, March 15, 2013

Q&A: What is the believed time when spirit activity is at its highest?

Question by goo_head_83: What is the believed time when spirit activity is at its highest?
I have heard conflicting arguments between midnight and 3am being the time when spirit activity is highest. What is the leading belief of when activity is at its highest? Why is it at its highest at this time and no other time? What evidence has been collected to prove this is the peak time?

Best answer:
Answer by El Nahual JusticieroSome spirits are more comfortable to make themselves present at night time, and others only come if you summon them properly, but spirits seem to be more active on Halloween, Walpurgis Night (April 30), and in the Equinox and Solstice days, this year the next Equinox will be on Sep 22 at 21:18.

What do you think? Answer below!

Spirit - Solar Glide - uploaded via
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

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