Saturday, November 10, 2012

Q&A: Damage to eyes if Solar eclipse is seen with naked eyes?

Question by Tunnu: Damage to eyes if Solar eclipse is seen with naked eyes?
My son (6 year old child) was playing outside during solar eclipse on 26th Jan in Hyderabad, India. Not sure if he had OR had not seen the sun with his naked eyes. Please tell me what would be the probable impact of it? & if there is any damage that could be caused, how soon we would know about it? Impact is realized instantly or gradually or in the later years ?? Please advice. ------- Whoever answers to this, please justify your answer and also indicate your edcn and knowledge backgroud. Thanks so much.

Best answer:
Answer by Vicky SProlonged staring at the sun would damage the optical nerve,however I doubt whether anyone could stare long enough voluntarily.

What do you think? Answer below!

***Best Solar Eclipse Footage On Youtube*** Annular Solar Eclpise.. Eclipse 2012 For one night, millions of eyes look up to the 'Ring of Fire.' Millions around the world are set to watch the annular solar eclipse, in which the moon passes in front of the sun leaving only a golden ring around its edges, which will be visible to wide areas across Asia Monday morning, parts of the western United States and even some parts of Mexico will catch a glimpse. Parts of eastern Asia were being treated to a solar spectacle as the moon slid across the sun, creating a "ring of fire." Sky-watchers in the western US awaited their turns as the rare phenomenon was due to move over the Pacific and toward them later Sunday. Scientists cautioned would-be viewers everywhere to be very careful because the sun's damaging rays will remain powerful even during the annular solar eclipse. The advice: Either wear specially designed protective eyewear or attend a viewing event — at a planetarium or amateur astronomy club, for example — to avoid risk of serious eye injury. Local weather permitting, the solar spectacle was first visible in parts of eastern Asia around dawn Monday, local time. If skies were clear enough, early risers there were able to catch the ring eclipse.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

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