Thursday, August 30, 2012

solar eclipses??

Question by 21364213523: solar eclipses??
Where do solar eclipses occur?
When do they occur?
and what season do they occur?
where and when is the next solar eclipse?

putting a site would also be good!!!

Best answer:
Answer by Geoff GSolar eclipses can occur anywhere on Earth, but each eclipse is only total along a thin strip across the face of the Earth, where the Moon's shadow touches down. There are usually a couple of solar eclipses every year, at different times of year depending on the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, but are rarely seen because each one is only visible it its narrow (but long) path. The next total solar eclipse is on August 1 this year. It's path of totality begins at dawn high in the Canadian arctic, crosses the arctic to nothern Siberia, passing over the city of Novosibersk. It then crosses into Mongolia into eastern China, where it ends at sunset. There are maps of future and past eclipse paths on the source site.

Give your answer to this question below!

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

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