Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Solar Eclipse in Ghana: And It Came To Pass

Solar Eclipse in Ghana: And It Came To Pass

PoemIt was a Wednesday,March 29, 2006.It was a magnificent dayIn the true sense of the wordAnd it came to pass!Solar eclipse 2006And it came to pass!Scientists Predicted itAnd it came to pass!Philosophers foresaw itAnd it came to pass!Mystics knew it in advanceAnd it came to pass!Oh, Divine Intelligence!The Universal Mind!How Omnipotent art Thou!How Omniscient art Thou!And how Mysterious art Thy ways!Thou art SupremeGlory be to Thy NameNow and evermore!by Mawutodzi Kodzo AbissathMarch 29,2006,AccraWhen total eclipse of the sun was experienced in Ghana(Feature)The solar eclipse in Ghana was spectacular indeed!The day was extra bright. The tropical sun was dominating when the invading moon came to block its surface without question.It happened as was predicted by scientists. It was almost near to perfection. Scientists indicated it would occur between the hours of 0830 and 093 UT.However,by 7.30 hours GMT some parts of the country,especially in the Western Region about 400km west of the capital city Accra, the lunar journey across the the solar pathway had actually started in Ghana.In the Ghanaian capital itself the magical movement was spotted around 7.45 am. That was the precise time this writer noticed the event for the first time with the solar eclipse goggles, purchased for that purpose.The much-anticipated eclipse of the sun and its resultant anxiety and eagerness was no longer a speculation. It happened on 29/03/06 in Ghana where it set off as its gateway to Africa.Scores of exited,enthusiastic and over-joyed citizens viewed the phenomenon across the country.At the time Ghanaians were enjoying the sight of the celestial romance between the sun and the moon with the planet earth acting as an eye witness,some selected other African countries were experiencing the memorable event as well.Those other nations included Benin, Nigeria, Niger and Togo,all in West Africa; Egypt and Libya in North Africa and Chad in Central Africa.The event attracted scientists and tourists from all parts of the world who trooped in to Ghana to witness once- in- a -century event.It was telecast live on the National Television for the world to behold.Records show that the last time a total solar eclipse occurred in Ghana was in 1947. There was no television at the time in the country. Thus, in the next 50 years or so time,when the miracle is expected to occur again, our children's children would be privileged and likily to view what we watched today thanks to Information Communication Technology (ICT).Interestingly, virtually all hotels in six out of ten Regions in the country where the total eclipse was experienced were booked in advance. The regions included the Greater Accra, Eastern, Central, Volta and Western Regions. The rest of the Regions experienced what was characterised as 'partial eclipse'.Along the courntry's coast, some high grounds offered unique spots such as hill or mountain tops,in towns like Anomabo in the Central Region, McCarthy Hill in the Greater Accra,Shai Hills and Aburi Hills in the Eastern Region of the

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

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