Saturday, May 19, 2012

Q&A: Space Questions from Homeschoolers - Please answer...?

Question by : Space Questions from Homeschoolers - Please answer...?
Hi, I homeschool my boys and we have a few more questions which we hope someone can answer.

1. We have telescopes in space that take pictures of distant galaxies. (The Hubble - is that still working?) Can we see individual planets and stars in these pictures of far away galaxies and can we tell how those galaxies work by looking at these pictures?

2. According to the scientists, there are now only 8 major planets in our galaxy, yet there are several dwarf planets of which Pluto is now one. a.) Should these dwarf planets be included in out planetary studies? (I believe yes) b.) Do all the planets ever line up completely, as in a straight line? (if yes, then I'm sure it's very rare, right, how rare?)

3. Does anyone know when the next solar eclipse is going to be and from where will you be able to see it?

Thank you all in advance for taking the time to answer these for us!

Best answer:
Answer by green_meklar1. Yes, the Hubble Telescope is still working, although it may be retired in the next few years. No telescope has ever taken a picture of a planet in another galaxy. However, telescopes both in space and on the ground have found evidence of planets inside our own galaxy, and I believe the Hubble Telescope at least has actually taken a picture of an extrasolar planet (an extrasolar planet is a planet outside our solar system). Telescopes can also take pictures of galaxies, and with galaxies that are close enough to make out their shape and composition accurately we can make good guesses as to 'how they work' (it was this kind of research that led to the discovery of dark matter).

2. There are eight planets in our SOLAR SYSTEM. There are over 200 known planets in our galaxy, and scientists estimate that there are probably billions more. a) It depends what you mean by 'planetary studies'. There are good reasons for not considering Pluto, Varuna, Quaoar, etc, as planets, but that doesn't mean they are not of scientific value. In fact, a probe called New Horizons is heading towards Pluto right now and will reach it in I think about 2014. b) Presumably this could happen, but it would be extremely rare and may not have happened since the beginning of the Solar System.

3. The next partial solar eclipse will be on September 11, 2007 (sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks), and will be visible from South America and Antarctica. After that there will be two total solar eclipses in 2008, the first one on February 7 and the second one on August 1. The first one will be visible from Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand, and the second one will be visible from Canada, Greenland and areas of eastern Asia. You can read this for more information:

Add your own answer in the comments!

( -- SOLAR

Total Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Information

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